Colorado Shines is a database of programs for children and child care, it provides a search method for location and program name.

Main page:


Help desk phone number: 844-447-4441

Find a program phone number: 877-338-2273

1575 Sherman Street, Denver, CO 80203

The Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) is a program that can help families by providing subsidies to low income households when the children are participating in qualifying activities such as employment and education. They are connected with Colorado Shines as well.

Phone number: 719-444-8178

Guidelines and additional information can be found HERE or by clicking the link to the left.

Catholic Charities - Family Connections at Helen Hunt Campus provides services for people who are experiencing homelessness with children who are minors (under 18) as well as food, clothing, and other emergency services as needed. They also run the Marian House which provides shelter to those who need it. Their Helen Hunt Campus also provides Case Management and Family Life Coaching to help families “build resiliency” when experiencing a crisis. They also have enrichment and education services, post-abortion healing, family immigration services, and other crisis and legal services.

Location information:

917 East Moreno Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Phone number: 719-636-2345


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